Friday 10 October 2014

Today, like a lot of days recently at work, I was browsing the internet to keep busy. I came across a blog post that someone wrote on the topic of "reasons to love your partner". Well ladies and gentleman, for my own pleasure I decided to create my own reasons I love my partner,

Why I feel I can benefit from writing down those reasons:
In today's society, it can be an easy trap to get sucked into wanting more out of life. Always looking for the next best thing, constantly thinking "my life would be better if...". I get sucked into this quite easily. In fact I was doing it only this afternoon. In my head I created a list of ways I could be happier.
  • I could make more money.
  • I could move closer to my parents.
  • Not work so early and get home so late.
  • Own a dog
  • Have savings
  • Home cleaner
  • Be slimmer
  • Bigger wardrobe!
Now I am not saying don't make goals. Some of these things are completely within my own power. Some of  them I just need to make time to accomplish. Others are not worth talking about, as at the end of the day they have little to no lasting importance. However my point is goals are a great thing, as long as they are within reach, and they are made to help achieve a lasting happiness.

In my case recently I have found that we often give ourselves too much of a hard time, when it comes to the things we are already doing. We make these lists of things we want to achieve because somehow we think at that moment, "Yes! Then I will feel I am living a fuller life!" This one I am so guilty of 100%!

When I think about it I work long hours. This week I have been leaving my house at 6.30am and return home at 7.30pm. Every day this week I have gone home and made dinner for myself, picked up the flat, and was in bed by 9.30pm. On top of a long work week last week we helped the YSA by DJing a dance, then watched General Conferance, did a deep clean of the flat, did all the laundry, spent time with my husband. and even had some extra time to go see a film with our friend Harrison. Jared and I both hold callings at church. Jared spends countless hours helping the bishop as he is now the Executive Secretary, and I have taken on the role of Gospel Doctrine teacher and Chorister. 

WOW! Reading this back I see that I am a busy person, and I do accomplish a lot.

What I hope to accomplish in the next week or so is a better outlook seeing those things I accomplish every day. See the things that do make me happy, and not the things I wish were different. Hopefully once I see that I will then be able to make an even larger effort, as I wont be discourage.

I looked at all the things that make me happy right now, and a lot of it leads back to one person; the man of my dreams!

So here in this blog post are the reasons my love life works and the reasons I adore Jared Alexander Joseph Faulkner! x

  1. He's always smiling! 
  2. Whenever he gets home I have a kiss waiting for me.
  3. He LOVES to cuddle.
  4. He will do the little stupid chores I ask him to do, no complaints.
  5. Always has a positive outlook. When I start stressing about money or job he always thinking of how 
  6. The other day I came home to clean dishes and the bins taken to the street, this made me realize how blessed I am!
  7. He always finishes each meal by saying thank you and how good it is...that makes me feel ok that I make dinner 9/10 times ;)
  8.  We enjoy the same films, yes we sometimes don't want to watch the same thing at the same moment, but we enjoy it none the less.
  9.  His dad jokes...that's what made me fall for him.
  10.  He works hard, and puts pride in the things he does,
  11.  Jared has lots of friends, no one dislikes him.
  12.  People choose to follow him, they always know that he has their back.
  13.  Jared is a selfless person, everything he does is for others.
  14.  Basically he is always happy.
  15. He only sees me in good light, yes I know we are married and that should be the case, but for some it isn't, but for us it is!  
  16.  He always encourages me, he sees my potential
  17.  He waited 32 years for me.
  18.  100% loyal
  19. He admits now that I am his best friend. (score!)
  20. He loves me when I don't love myself. 
  21. Because he is there to share eternity with me, he was the only one that would say yes, and that I want to say yes! lol 
  22.  I look forward every day to coming home and seeing you.
  23. He always expect me to kiss you goodbye in the morning when I leave for work.
  24. Any disagreement I know we will get through.
  25. He wants a family with me, which is going to be awesome cause he's gunna me a great dad.
  26. He could care less by all the selfies I take.
  27. Jared listens, he is always interested in what I have to say. 
  28. The good advise that he gives me. 
  29. Never makes me feel like I am too young, we are 10 years apart and I have never felt the difference, except when he starts talking about music... 
  30. His dancing skills...need I say more? 
  31. His predictable ways!  
  32. The fact that he always knows how I am going to react. 
  33. I love that he is very ticklish, I can literally just have my hand next to his arm pits and he will start squireling! lol 
  34. He never gets upset that I make him watch the ends of movies with me, because I fall asleep.
  35. He will go out of his way to make me happy, its always his #1 priority. 
  36. He makes me laugh. All. The. Time.
  37. I come home from work every day and find that he always finds time to make my bed, its the little things.
  38. He bikes to work in the rain and the cold, just to insure that we have a few extra pounds a month  
  39. His easy going attitude that makes living with a breeze.  
  40. He holds the priesthood, and lives worthy of its blessings. 
  41. When we first met he won me over with his strong testimony that was apparent when I needed a blessing he gave it to me and I could feel the power in his voice 
  42. When he cries it touches my heart, because its so sweet. 
  43. He pushes me to be a better person, and helps me grow.  
  44. I couldn't imagine my life without him 
  45. He asked me to be his for all time and eternity.  

Families are Forever

Thursday 2 October 2014

This past month has been a particularly trying month. I feel like we are handling things well; it helps that we are a little family now. Jared's nan, Edith, has been in the hospital. When she was first taken to hospital they found out that she had cancer. As she was 96 and very frail, doctors new surgery would be too much for her. When finding out of her struggle, we knew she wouldn't be around long. Jared and I decided a trip to say goodbye was in order. So the first weekend in September we made our trek up to Chesterfield to visit her.

When we arrived she was so tiny and looked very weak. She didn't wake either times we visited that day, but she made it known that she knew we were there. I had not met his nan before, but I could tell that this was not the same lady that Jared talked so lovingly about.

In the past few years as her health had declined Pam and David, Jared's parents, became her caretakers. She only lived down the road so they could easily see to her. I know from what Jared has expressed it became a big burden particularly on David, her son.

Over the course of the month she would have up and down days, but mostly down. After a few weeks of this she finally consented to allow David to give her a blessing. Its David's feeling that this gave her the needed peace to allow herself to stop fighting.

Jared was one of the first to know, at first when he found out I was very surprised at how well he was taking things.  It was later when I was cooking and he was no where to be seen that I knew this was going to be a hard one.

I have not seen him grieve, I am usually the crier in the family. He has so many fond memories of Nan. She was always around for Sunday dinner, and this always ended with a game of cards. My favourite story I heard was of their jigsaw puzzle days. They often sat around a table and did a jigsaw together. Jared knew that the moment he left to go to school Nan would finish it and he wouldn't be able to do the last piece. So when he would come home from school the puzzle would always be nearly done, but he always kept that last piece in his pocket. (such a sneaky devil!)

The funeral was on Monday, nearly a month after she first went into hospital. It was organized by David's only sibling, Irene, it was a lovely occasion. It was there we heard stories of her life and met all the relatives, many whom Jared had never met...nor David, or at least not to his memory.
To see all of Jared's grief freely flow was a bit hard for the wife. I ended up sobbing myself!

The wonderful thing about the whole experience, is the amazing feeling I knowledge that we have. She is with her husband in heaven, she is happy! One day we will all be together in heaven, sealed forever!

Hopefully they have a pack of playing cards!

Nan with her husband Ted and two children David and Irene

Wedding Bells

Friday 22 August 2014

One of my first London Friends got married to the man of her dreams James Smith. Vanessa and I met after she admired one of my headbands, that lead to her coming to a party with me and meeting James. Funny how things work out isn't it?!

Now she's joined the club of married ladies! Whoop!
Her wedding was lovely, and we enjoyed celebrating with her!

YOLO: Our Very Musical Friend Tom

Friday 15 August 2014

Jared an I took our two friends Louis and Tanya to see one of Tom's gigs. Tom Butler is a friend from Britannia YSA Ward. I started going and seeing Tom play even before Jared and I started dating. I think his music abilities are great, and his songs are very catchy, and right up my street. I do enjoy promoting friends that put there selves out there and Tom is one of those people. He loves to share his talent, and we enjoy it when he does. 

Tanya and Louis seemed to enjoy themselves. They even picked up a copy of his album, that he signed! 

His EP is on iTunes, so you should really check it out.

Sea Side Visit


Tuesday 5 August 2014

No trip to Cornwall is complete without a day with Loki, our nephew. If I haven't said it before, he has a little crush on me. Poor Jared gets a lot of grief from little Loki, because he thinks Jared stole me from him. (not sure how he has come to that conclusion, but it still is rather sweet. I one day was joking with Melissa bout bringing the sun with me to Cornwall and Loki pipes in and says "Sophie you are the Sun Goddess". On another occasion we teased him when his mom stepped outside to have a fag, that she had left him and now he needed a new mother. He then turns to me and says, "Okay , Sophie can be my mother". Poor lissa, Jared and I have somehow managed to become the "cool ones".
On our last day in Cornwall we visited Padstow. Because it has a nice harbour for my father in law to explore, and a beautiful beach area for Jared Loki and I to splash around. 
We found a little cove, there were 3 labradors running up and down in and out of the water splashing and fetching balls for their masters. It was really sweet. We climbed on some cliff rocks to a large flag, telling boaters where the cliff edge ended. You can see us in the pictures showing off the accomplishment. 
Jared and I also followed a path that lead us high above the beach and the view was just stunning. (he had to get a goofy picture of himself showing off!)
Mama Faulkner bought us each this nice flower head piece and the two of us showed it off the rest of the day :)
Toward the end of the day Jared and I explored the village and watched little children fish for lobsters. Once man got a rather large one, only when it came out of the water it must have realised what was about to happen and swiftly let go and jumped back into the water!
Over all we enjoyed ourselves. Cornwall will hold good memories for us both. 
Back to London. Back to reality!

St. Ives

Monday 4 August 2014

Jared and I were so looking forward to spending time together, and doing at least one day at the beach. We succeed when we decided to take our own little day trip to St. Ives. St. Ives (located on the north cost of Cornwall, if caught on a good day, is like being abroad. We were in luck! The day was PERFECT! We thought after we visited the south coast the day before that the water would be warmer, however it was much much colder. We tried at first, thinking we would warm up to it. In the end we had to get wet suits.
The beach area is lovely and vast, there were loads of children with their families enjoying a day at the beach (right now its school holidays). We found a nice little place on the sand, and I was surprised when Jared said it would be safe leaving our valuables in our bags. We had managed to only bring my backpack so I just made sure that they were on the bottom, in a hard to get place.
Once we got our wet suits we headed for the water. I can not tell you how amazingly clear the water was, and how white the sand is. Even when the waves come up over your head, you can still look down in the water and nearly see your toes.
I think one day I would want to move to Cornwall, if only it never rained! ;)
We were pleasantly surprised at how cheap the journey cost us. We were on the other side of Cornwall, just over an hours drive and 45 min on the train, and it only cost us £8 for both of us AND round trip! What a bargain. Jared and I recently purchased a rail card that gives us 1/3 off our tickets when we travel together, and we have already got more than our moneys worth, seeing as they only cost us £30 and saved us more than £40 in Cornwall alone!
If only we had been a little more prepared on what we brought to the beach, and if we had had more time, I am sure we could have stayed in St. Ives, for a couple of days at least!.
Next time we buy the wet suits, for future use!